For businesses supplying goods or services to another business or to the Public Sector a tender submission process to 'win the work' is common practice. For large jobs, formal tenders are required, as these can include contracts covering several years. There are usually specific processes followed especially in the Public Sector. The Tender Process allows the end Client to assess and evaluate the suitability and strengths of those applying. It also allows the tenderers to demonstrate their experience and knowledge, whilst also giving them the freedom to portray themselves in a strong and positive manner.
Working through the Tendering Process can prove costly and time consuming when dealt with in-house, often getting in the way of the 'day job'. This is why more and more companies turn to Professional Bid Writing Consultancy Companies like for help and guidance.
The starting point for any Bid is the decision whether this opportunity is the one for you. If this decision is wrong, the result may be months of wasted resources or, on the other hand, a golden opportunity lost. Asking you the right questions and taking into account all the relevant factors before making an informed decision is crucial. Our exclusive 'Bid No Bid' Tool has been adapted to help you with that decision-making process, guiding you through a series of questions to help you and your team choose the opportunities that are right for you.
Only so much information can be gained on the Client by reading through the Tender Documents. The ITT Submission Document Guidelines must be studied carefully. This obviously must be done at great lengths to understand exactly what is being asked for in the Tender but also how they want the answers to be written. Research outside the Tender Documents is key, by meeting with the Client at their offices you will be able to get a feel for how they operate and the type of people they are. This will all help paint a very clear picture for you to then structure your Tender submission to suit the Client and therefore illustrate to them you are going to be able to provide the service or product they are looking for. Always aim to meet and exceed the evaluation criteria and include everything they have asked for. The Bid Management you implement is key to the success of the Tender, ensuring all parties involved understand their role and contribution to the prompt and correct completion of the documents.
We appreciate by being involved in your business we are given access to privileged information and this is given the utmost discretion and security. However, it must be noted that information from your tender may be disclosed in the future under the Freedom of Information Act. This gives anyone, including your competitors, the general right to see information. You should therefore clearly indicate which pieces of information are commercially confidential. If the information is particularly sensitive, you might want to ask for a non-disclosure agreement.
Every piece of work we undertake is carefully assessed prior to commencement and a quote is issued dependent on the level of input required from our side. This varies on the type of work it is, the standard the documents are currently at and the amount of time before the submission deadline. Our rates are very competitive and offer great value for money. All quotes are signed off and agreed between ourselves and you before and Bid Writing work commences.
Our win rate on the quality element of the tender submission is far above that expected in all of the industries we operate in. We have an outstanding reputation for providing excellent strategic advice, submitting successful Bids and taking you through to interview stage. With over 100 years combined experience we know our sectors, we have worked across an array of different industries at Senior Management and Director Level. We've also worked across the Private, Public and Third Sectors. We have a technical background and so are able to produce technical documents in a clear and concise manner. We quickly assess your needs, resource the opportunity and deliver the product.